Today has been spent arranging my exit from the USA, .... it already feels as if I've come full circle. This picture was used on 'Post 1' of my Blog, .. it was probably my first real motorcycling holiday. August 1963, with my brother Alan and parents George and Barbara, we made the journey from Darlington to Folkstone on this Triumph 6TA, .... despite the photograph, I don't think I was actually allowed to do any of the riding back then.
I'd expected to leave from New York, but once again my immaculate planning has gone wildly astray. I can fly from New York, ... and so can the Triumph, .. but sadly not together. This time I'm obviously not worried about being separated from the 'Special Package', but I really want to avoid having to sit around in London kicking my heels whilst waiting for the bike to arrive. My best option now is to ride up to Toronto and fly together with the bike directly to London Gatwick. This afternoon, I telephoned Gail Goodman at Motorcycle Express based here in New York, .... I was holding my breath and waiting for the bad news to land. A huge sigh of relief, .... $1400 for the bike and $400 for me. There will be handling charges to pay in Gatwick and I've still got to absorb the cost of traveling into Canada, ..... but the saving over what I'd expected to pay, ... will more than cover all of that.
I'll actually be flying out on Wednesday November 5th and arriving in Gatwick at around 8am on Thursday 6th of November. I have to hand the bike over to customs in Canada on the Monday, ... so I've got a few days to kill here in New York before starting to head North, .. into the snow. I'm going onto Long Island tomorrow to finalise the paperwork and then to take the bike into Triumph NYC on 6th Avenue. Travelling into Canada means that I need to replace the rear tyre, .. it might pass muster here in the USA,.. but the Canadian authorities apparently have much sharper eyesight. I've arranged to stay for a few days in Chelsea with Tom and Lisa, close friends of my Brother. I've also had an offer from Bill, an early follower of Poor Circulation and contributor to St Teresa's Hospice, .... but even if I don't take up his kind offer of 'floor space', I'll hopefully meet him for a beer and a bite to eat.
1 comment:
In some weird way, I am very happy that you will be ending these travels from Canada!
I have followed your trip since the beginning and being Canadian this little event makes everything complete!
Welcome and don't worry about Toronto, the rest of Canada is actually quite nice!!LOL
JP (Alberta Tiger)
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