I was still in awe of the Grand Canyon, ... it is one of the most spectacular places that I have ever seen. I'm riding with a smile, I've entered Utah State, .. the clocks have advanced by one hour but I'm not aware of it,... it's not something that's important to me. I stop at Lake Powell, It's early morning, it's quiet and peaceful, .. I want to spend time here, ... I want to spend time in every place that I see, ... but Bryce Canyon is waiting for me.
On the way East into Bryce Canon, the road takes me through Red Canyon, ... I have to stop. The rocks have turned a beautiful shade of 'Red', .. the rocks rise in columns towards the sky, ... these beautiful structures are like nothing that I've ever seen before. 'Red Canyon?' Before today I'd never heard of it, .... if this place were in England it would be the most popular tourist attraction imaginable. It's not in England,.. it's in America, ... here it's just another appetizer for the real attraction that is Bryce Canyon, 'Red Canyon' is simply the warm up act, a taste of what is yet to come.
In Vladivostok we'd met Phil and Dot, an English couple who told us that Bryce Canyon was the most amazing of all of the National Parks in America. My Brother Alan has visited this area, ... he said the same thing, he told me that Bryce Canyon could not be missed. Having just spent the day here; walking, riding and sitting ... I must agree with them. It's beyond my wildest expectations. Again, my photographs seem pathetic, they can never reflect the beauty of this area. I will return here, .. soon I hope. But I worry, .. I worry that in the past two weeks I've seen everything that America has to offer, .. perhaps the rest of this vast continent will seem dull by comparison. However, I suspect that America still has many more surprises in store for this lucky traveller.
Alan has arrived home in England, .. he's enjoyed America and has made his own way through. He's met family that he didn't know he had, made new friends on the road, seen and done amazing things. At home with his family,.. there will be a million questions, the confusion of where to begin,.. what to tell,... what to leave out. Explaining to others who haven't shared the journey is difficult,.. to understand the highs and lows, .... you really had to be there. It reminds me that my own time travelling is fast coming to an end, this journey will soon be over. Perhaps I have two more weeks, .. possibly three if I'm careful. I will never get the opportunity to do this again, ..... I will savour every moment, .... reality awaits me.
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