Discovering the world on $20 per day ......................

Post 117: Sok Cho, South Korea

Korea, North or South, was never on the Poor Circulation agenda, .. but here I am. It's beautiful, .. the people are friendly, the streets are clean and at night, .. Wow. It's kind of 'Tokyo-Lite', ... if there is a world shortage of neon, I now know why.

Sok Cho is a small port city standing on what in Korea they call the East Sea, and in Japan, The Sea of Japan. With nowhere to camp we're holed-up in a cheap motel where everything works, where passports are not confiscated and where you can actually take responsibility for your own key, ..... welcome back to the world of 'grown-ups'. It's such a shame that the Triumph is now down in Busan, .. riding here would have been a dream come true. OK, .. the signs are all in ㅏㅒㄲㄸ무, (Korean), but in any language,..... East is East and I'd find my own way to Seoul eventually. I know that Seoul will be more expensive then Sok Cho, .... but It's a place that I've always wanted to visit and if it's a larger and funkier version of here, ..... then I know that I'll quickly fall in love with the place.

I've decided to stay here for one more night and then take a bus to Seoul on Thursday morning. Wendy Choi of Areo International has been amazing, she is taking responsibility for moving the bikes to Seattle, ...... if only Wendy had a Russian sister then no doubt Poor Circulation would be already enjoying the wilds of Alaska.

For some strange reason here in Korea they use a different system for mobile phones,.. not GSM. For that reason no western mobiles will work here. On the ferry from Zarubino I also discovered why my Russian mobile phone had mysteriously stopped working. Apparently I had to 'Register' the phone on the network after a given number of days. Unfortunately once again, .... a rule written in Russian has found me wanting, .. bugger.

I hope that once in America I'll be better able to communicate, ..... though perhaps I'm overestimating America's leap into the world of WiFi. It's good to see that while I've been enjoying the warmth and friendliness of Russian Customs Bureaucracy, some more money has been donated to my chosen charity via 'JustGiving'. I'm still a long way short of my target, ... but with a little help and a lot more begging, .... I hope I can make it. The names of those donating are all on the bike,.. I've managed to keep that up to date so far,..... but there is plenty of room for more. Every $2 donated will get your name on there and the eternal gratitude of myself and those who rely upon the services of St Teresa's hospice at their most vulnerable times. Many Thanks, ... Geoff

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