It should have been easy,….. the book was simply an account of the journey and within the Blog and Diary, many of the chapters were already written. It would take me six weeks: 5,000 words per day plus two weeks for the editing. Things would get in the way; commitments, distractions etc., but even taking account of my penchant for extreme laziness, by the middle of January 2009 the book would definately be finished. People who ‘know’, people who’ve actually written and published words that are worth reading told me differently, they smiled and kindly informed me that if it was going to be worth reading, it would take me much longer,…. but I ignored them.
The taste of Humble Pie is not as bad as I‘d expected, and as I’ll be feasting on it for quite some time, that’s probably a very good thing. It actually took me four weeks to find a ‘Beginning’, and then another week to write it. The beginning wasn’t where I’d expected it to be,….. I just kept working backwards until I found the only logical starting point.
The starting point wasn’t found on the Blog, or even in my Diary, it was finally found in an old suitcase that had thankfully been stored far away from my old apartment. Had that suitcase been lost in the fire, ….. then the real story of Poor Circulation would have remained untold. It’s not that I wouldn’t have written it, it’s more that I ’couldn’t’ have written it. The suitcase had originally been found in the attic of my Mum’s home and in it I’ve discovered a history that I was only ever partially aware of. On examining the contents for the first time, I felt like an observer to my life on a television program,…. ’Who do you think you are?’
Things fell into place, each discovery helped to make sense of the following chapter,……. and I’m now almost half way through the writing stage. It’s not at all like the Blog which was written as and when things happened, it’s much more ‘connected’ and hopefully contains far fewer mistakes and a lot more detail. I haven’t tried to make it intentionally funny,…. it just comes out that way. With the amazing benefit of hindsight, I can see the effect that each decision actually had, and the probable consequences had alternative directions been taken.
Poor Circulation began as: 20,000 Miles, 20 Countries, 20 Weeks and £20 per day. Everything then inflated by 40% and became: 28,000 Miles, 28 Countries, 28 Weeks and £28 per day. The time taken for the writing has escalated in the same way,…… but I have a plan to speed things along. At increased risk to the environment, I’ve begun burning the midnight oil and hopefully that will hasten the completion. To prevent myself from lapsing into idleness, if I fail to meet my own deadlines, I’ll email extracts of the book to people on the ’Poor Circulation’ e-mailing list. Thus,….. If I don’t extract my finger and get the bloody thing finished, most people will already have read it. I’ve arranged a couple of ’Speaking Engagements’ in Spring - clearly with people who don’t know me - where hopefully I might sell a few copies of the book and the DVD,…. and hopefully achieve my charitable target with the proceeds. If every body has already read it, … that isn’t going to happen, so I‘ve now got the incentive to finish it quickly. Besides,…… I can’t begin any further adventures until this one is finished,…. or paid for.
Regarding my plans for 2009, I’d like to thank the boys on ’Top Gear’ for this week giving you an insight into the next Poor Circulation adventure. I’d reached the same conclusion regarding the only viable mode of transport for SE Asia, but I’ll actually be buying & selling my ‘Bikes’ at each border. I’ll be working (lazily) with a major charity to try and raise money and awareness for the housing, protection and education of homeless children in the region. My love of SE Asia is no secret and the poignancy of charitable choice will become clear, but scratching beneath the surface when researching the possible plight of some of these kids,…… has been both heart wrenching and stomach churning. Things happen to vulnerable young people in this world that I will never even begin to understand, I can’t do a great deal to change that, I can’t make a big difference,….. but having now seen such things, I’ll sleep an awful lot better for having at least tried.
The only other news is quite selfish and minor. I had a meeting at the Ace Café on 23rd December. A new magazine will be hitting the shelves of newsagents (assuming any are still in business) in April 2009, and I‘ve been asked to help them on a free-lance basis. It means that I’ll have to ride a variety of new bikes provided free of charge by manufacturers, put them through their paces and then document my experiences. It’s not the best job in the world,…… but it’s got to come bloody close.
Happy New Year